A 16-year-old boy, Harshit Sharma, from a government school in Chandigarh was the toast of online media and Twitterati on Tuesday after word spread on the internet that he had landed a designer's job in Google for an annual salary of Rs 1.44 crore. But it was a rumour and Google officially told TOI that it had no information on the boy's candidacy.
"Currently, we don't have any information on our records with respect to Harshit Sharma's candidacy," a Google spokesperson said.
Word about the boy's so-called achievements had spread after his school - Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 33 - issued an official release that the boy had got the job. But when TOI spoke to principal Indra Beniwal, she said, "The student passed out from our school this year and he had come to the campus to inform us about the Google offer. He had sent me the letter on WhatsApp mentioning his recruitment with Google but I deleted the letter by mistake."
Word about the boy's so-called achievements had spread after his school - Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 33 - issued an official release that the boy had got the job. But when TOI spoke to principal Indra Beniwal, she said, "The student passed out from our school this year and he had come to the campus to inform us about the Google offer. He had sent me the letter on WhatsApp mentioning his recruitment with Google but I deleted the letter by mistake."